
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Breast Lumps and Pain

Breast Lumps and Pain Overview

Breast changes are common. From the time a girl begins to develop breasts and begins menstruating and throughout life, women may experience various kinds of breast pain and other breast changes. Some of these changes normally occur during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, and with aging. Breast lumps, tenderness, and other changes may occur. Most breast lumps and other changes are not cancer.
Your breast is composed of several glands and ducts that lead to the nipple and the surrounding colored area called the areola. The milk-carrying ducts extend from the nipple into the underlying breast tissue like the spokes of a wheel. Under the areola are lactiferous ducts. These fill with milk during lactation after a woman has a baby. When a girl reaches puberty, changing levels of hormones cause the ducts to grow and cause fat deposits in the breast tissue to increase. The glands that produce milk (mammary glands) that are connected to the surface of the breast by the lactiferous ducts may extend to the armpit area (axilla).
There are no muscles in the breasts, but muscles lie under each breast and cover the ribs. These normal structures inside the breasts can sometimes make them feel lumpy. Such lumpiness may be especially noticeable in women who are thin or who have small breasts.
  • Lumps within breast tissue are usually found unexpectedly or during a routine monthly breast self-exam. Most lumps are not cancer but represent changes within the breast tissue. As your breasts develop, changes occur. These changes are influenced by normal hormonal variations.
  • Breast pain is a common breast problem mostly in younger women who are still having their periods, and happens less often in older women. Although pain is a concern, breast pain is rarely the only symptom of breast cancer. Most breast cancers involve a mass or lump.
  • Cyclic mastalgia: About two-thirds of women with breast pain have a problem called cyclic mastalgia. This pain typically is worse before your menstrual cycle and usually is relieved at the time your period begins. The pain may also happen in varying degrees throughout the cycle. Because of its relationship to the menstrual cycle, it is believed to be caused by hormonal changes. This type of breast pain usually happens in younger women, although the condition has been reported in postmenopausal women who take hormone replacement therapy.
  • Noncyclic mastalgia: Breast pain that is not associated with the menstrual cycle is called noncyclic mastalgia. It occurs less often than the cyclic form. It typically occurs in women older than 40 years and is not related to the menstrual cycle. It is sometimes linked to a fibrous mass (called a fibroadenoma) or a cyst.
  • Breast pain or tenderness may also occur in a teenage boy. The condition, called gynecomastia, is enlargement of the male breast which may occur as a normal part of development, often during puberty.
  • Breast infection: The breast is made up of hundreds of tiny milk-producing sacs called alveoli. They are arranged in grapelike clusters throughout the breast. Once breastfeeding begins, milk is produced in the alveoli and secreted into tube-shaped milk ducts that empty through the nipple. Mastitis is an infection of the tissue of the breast that occurs most frequently during the time of breastfeeding. This infection causes pain, swelling, redness, and increased temperature of the breast. It can occur when bacteria, often from the baby's mouth, enter a milk duct through a crack in the nipple. This causes an infection and painful inflammation of the breast.

Breast Pain

What is fibrocystic breast disease?

In Western countries, a large percentage of women experience benign but often painful cysts and lumps in their breasts. Their breasts feel lumpy, "ropy", or "granular", as if full of little nodules. Some women can even feel the presence of larger cysts.
These cysts occur when a breast duct becomes blocked, and then fills up with fluid like a balloon filled with water. The area surrounding the blocked duct then has a tendency to form scar tissue, and that is the fibrous component of the fibrocystic disease.
This generalized breast lumpiness is known by several names, including fibrocystic breast condition, fibrous breasts, fibrocystic breast disease, fibrocystic changes and benign breast disease. There even exist several types of fibrocystic breast condition.
Unfortunately, many women and even doctors think that fibrocystic breast disease is a "normal" condition for women. However, large, palpable cysts have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, not to mention the pain the women experience, so women need to be concerned about pain and cysts in their breasts and not let it go on thinking it is "normal".

An easy experiment to reduce pain: take your bra off!

Fortunately there is an easy solution that works for many women in reducing breast pain and fibrocystic lumps: many women have found that by wearing undergarments less restrictive than bras (camisoles, tank tops, etc.) they can dramatically reduce or eliminate fibrocystic cysts and pain.  Medical anthropologists Sydney Singer and Soma Grismaijer, and also Dr. Gregory Heigh, have found that around 90% of fibrocystic patients improve when they quit wearing bras. Singer and Grismajer are authors of a study of over 4000 women that found that women who do not wear bras have a much lower risk of breast cancer ("Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras" Avery Press, 1995).
In this link you can read some case histories of how women who got help from fibrocystic cysts and pain by taking off their bra.


There exist studies that link low iodine levels to fibrocystic breast disease. There is evidence that the low breast cancer rates in Japan are due to their high iodine intake (form seafood). It is not only our thyroid that needs and has iodine; our breasts have some too (or are supposed to). Increasing your iodine intake is definitely something worthwhile as it can help breast pain and fibrocystic breast changes.

What about diet?

Besides making sure you have enough iodine in your diet, you can also consider eating a high-fiber diet that emphasizes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Omega-3 fats and vitamin E can also be helpful.
One study studied a high dose vitamin A in women who did not get help for their breast pain from eliminating caffeine, and 80% of them had a dramatic reduction in the pain level. It is safer to get vitamin A from consuming betacarotene, since high doses of vitamin A can be toxic. Vegetables that are bright red, orange, yellow, or dark green contain high amounts of betacarotene.

The British study bra-freedom as a treatment

In year 2000, two breast surgeons started a study including 100 women at two breast clinics (all of whom had breast pain) and found that over half of the premenopausal women with pain found relief when they quit wearing bras for three months. For some the pain relief was very dramatic, changing their lifes. When they resumed bra wearing for the last three months of the study, the pain returned. Besides the pain data, the doctors also showed video thermography footage that dramatically demonstrated the heat build-up from bra wearing, and they discussed the possible connections with cancer causation.
They also made a documentary film that was shown on nationwide television in Britain.  You can read a partial trascript of the documentary concerning bra wearing and breast pain.

Natural progesterone treatment

Doctor John Lee has treated many patients with fibrocystic breasts with natural progesterone. He argues that the cause for the pain and cysts and lumps is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone - either too much estrogen or too little progesterone, or both - and that environmental estrogens cause this, or at least make the situation worse.
This condition is called estrogen dominance. It may be worth your while to try natural progesterone therapy alongside with avoiding foreign estrogen-like chemicals to treat breast pain and fibrocystic breasts.

Breastfeeding lowers risk

And, if you can, breastfeed! One study found that lack of breastfeeding was a risk factor for having post-menopausal breast pain and fibrocystic changes. Breastfeeding definitely lowers the risk of breast cancer: it reduces the time your body is exposed to high estrogen levels as occur during the mestrual cycle (and probably through some other mechanisms as well).