
Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to Choose Foods That Help Maintain Your Beauty

How to Choose Foods That Help Maintain Your Beauty

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Radiant skin, shiny hair, healthy skin and beautiful appearance suggests health and self-nurture, and gives you a sense of confidence when stepping out. And the beauty and skin care market doesn't hesitate to play on our insecurities in the looks department, selling its wide range of products with a promise of eternal beauty. Yet, nothing makes you as beautiful on the outside as feeding your inside with a healthy diet.
Being the largest organ of your body, your skin deserves to be nourished with the right nutrients to sustain optimal health. An increasing number of studies have shown the benefits of eating certain foods to enhance a healthy looking skin and overall well being. And the best of all this? Looking good need not cost a fortune, tastes great, doesn't require painstaking effort or involve too much time!


  1. Rehydrate your skin and body and preserve your health with green tea. Even caffeinated green tea hydrates you,[1] which helps keep your skin hydrated too. It is loaded with antioxidants (catechins),[2] and these naturally protect your skin from the sun's damage (but you should still take appropriate protective sun precautions as well) and the antioxidants are a basic bodily defense against free radicals that age your skin and body.[3] Active ingredients that stimulate the metabolism can also be found in green tea; a good metabolism will in turn burn away the excess fats, helping to keep you slim and trim. And green tea can help preserve your mind and slow its aging process, which in turn can help you to feel more beautiful because you're not struggling to remember things or fretting about dementia.[4] Many different forms of green tea are available in the markets and a great selection of different types is available for you to choose from, included flavored and seasonal green teas.
  2. Slow down the aging process with vitamin E. Vitamin E is an important anti-aging antioxidant and can help slow down skin aging.[5] It can be found in foods such as pumpkin seeds, dry roasted almonds, other nuts and seeds, and small amounts of quality vegetable oils.[6]
  3. Keep in top form with omega-3. Omega-3-fatty acids help to keep your face smooth with their anti-inflammatory properties and your hair shiny and in good condition.[7][8] Omega-3 can be found in a range of foods such as: cold-water fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, sardines), flaxseeds, and walnuts.[9]
    • Reduce inflammation and redness of the skin. Salmon and its oil contains skin beautifying omega-3-acids that hydrate and help to reduce the redness and inflammation of the skin. Salmon also contains selenium, which helps various skin problems and overall skin health.
    • As well as omega-3 fatty acids, other essential fatty acids should be included in your diet to strengthen your nails and skin and to reduce inflammation around the nails.[10] Such fatty acids can be found in evening primrose oil, borage oil, flaxseed oil, and fish oil.[11]
  4. Enjoy omega-6 as another source of skin replenishment. Have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich—just make sure the bread is whole wheat and the jelly is added sparingly. Peanut butter is a rich source of omega-6 fatty acids, which come in a close second to omega-3s when it comes to protecting skin from aging. Avocados are good source of omega-6, too.[12]
  5. Rejuvenate your skin cells and keep your body in top form with tomatoes. Tomatoes are full of a red pigment known as lycopene, which appears to act as an antioxidant.[13] This antioxidant helps to neutralize free radicals before they can cause damage and this can benefit good skin health; it can also protect the skin from ultra-violet (UV) stress. Tomatoes also contain fiber and vitamin A, which can assist the development of skin cells, while a vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry skin.[14] Tomatoes are also full of fiber, which also helps keep your body in great shape. Cooked tomatoes can provide access to more nutrients than having them raw but either way, cooked or raw, these fruits will do you a world of good.
  6. Strive for skin that is more elastic. Oranges contain vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that mops up free radicals, such as those caused by overexposure to the sun, or those coming from the carbon monoxide released by moving vehicles etc. Free radical damage leads to premature aging of the skin and vitamin C is a great way to give your skin and body a boost. As well as oranges, other citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C or vegetables such as bell peppers.
    • Choose bioflavonoid-rich food for the stimulation of collagen production.[15][16] Collagen helps the skin look younger and plumper, and keeps your gums tough for good teeth health.[17] As well as oranges, foods high in bioflavonoids include broccoli, cantaloupe, and black tea.[18][19]
  7. Stay hydrated and keep your skin smooth. Drink lots of water and regulate consumption of dehydrating beverages that contain caffeine and alcohol. Aim to drink half your body weight of water in ounces every day.[20]
    • Alcohol may seem innocuous enough when you're looking to unwind but its effects on your skin are anything but. Alcohol dries out skin, and leaves it irritated and sallow-toned. It reduces the sparkle from your eyes, leaving them duller and with too much alcohol consumption over time, the white areas of your eyes can appear yellow and tired.
  8. Reduce your sugar consumption. Also known as "white death", sugar isn't really what our bodies have in mind when it comes to good nutrition. Sugar plays an unfortunate role in causing skin to sag and wrinkle; it does this by attaching itself to the collagen and elastin in the skin, causing it to become brittle and to break.[21] Another beauty slam from sugar is the creation of dark, under-eye circles.[22]
    • Want a beautiful smile? Avoid eating too much sugar! Keep your pearly whites in perfect shape by keeping sugar to a minimum; sugar encourages the cavity-causing bacteria to hang around your teeth and drill away causing decay. And be very careful of juice; it is just a very concentrated source of sugar and some juices have even been shown to cause more damage than cola![23] However, drinking or rinsing with black tea is good for your teeth, as the polyphenols in black tea seem to reduce plaque build-up.[24]
    • Balanced blood sugar keeps you healthy and looking great.
  9. Reduce skin inflammation with cucumbers. Cucumbers are often used as the base in both commercial and home-prepared beauty products such as face masks, gels, and toners. Cucumbers have soothing and cooling properties as well, and their high water content provides a great source of hydration for skin that leaves skin looking softer and plumped.[25]
    • Papaya can also reduce skin inflammation, as well as slough off dead tissue, and improve scar formation, when applied to the skin; it also has a gentle exfoliating effect when added to skin beauty products.[26]
  10. Reduce your sources of stress with good nutrition. A stressed lifestyle can impact how you look, causing you to appear rundown, tired, and unrefreshed. As well as tackling sources of stress and getting adequate sleep, you can increase your stress resistance by increasing your vitamin C intake[27], cutting out junk food, sugary treats, and fatty fast food; instead, eat a nutritious diet.
  11. Boost your immune system. Foods like fresh fruit and half cooked vegetables (steamed, etc.) boosts your immune system. In turn, this creates a healthy body and aids overall healing. Foods high in vitamin C are essential to help the immune system grow stronger.
    • Blueberries, goji berries, and other berries are also loaded with vitamin C and immune-boosting antioxidants that stimulate collagen production that keeps skin smooth and supple.
    • Be sure to get adequate vitamin K and zinc. These nutrients help your skin to repair itself,[28] and zinc is known for its ability to prevent acne and improve the immune system. Oysters are one high source of zinc.
  12. Eat a rainbow-hued diet. No dietary supplement or nutrient alone can provide you with beautifying benefits. To get the benefits in their entirety, you need to consume a rainbow-hued diet that picks up on the many fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and other healthy foods in a variety of ways.[29] The benefits are a variety of great tastes, an interesting diet, and a beautiful you.



  • A dull patchy complexion is a sign that you're not getting enough omega-3-fatty acids in your diet. Make sure to eat some “good” fats every day. Too little fat leads to dry, flaky skin.
  • Dull hair and brittle nails is a sign to increase your protein intake.
  • Metabolic Typing custom~indicates your proper protein/fat/carb intake, which is different for every ethnic group.[30] This will explain why most 'diets' work only selectively.
  • Off-the-shelf products and vitamins commercially prepared in chemical products often lose the potency and desired effect. Go natural as much as possible and always prefer getting your nutrients from your diet rather than from human-made supplements.[31]
  • A biotin supplement may improve the look and feel of your hair.[32]
  • Some studies have shown that dairy products can bring about acne.[33] Consider reducing your intake if this is an issue for you.
  • Lemon juice has antibacterial properties that can help to clear up skin spots and to brighten dull or oily skin.[34]
  • Reduce, or better still quit, smoking. Smoking causes the body and skin to age faster and leaves you looking much older before your time.
  • Salt causes tissue to swell and the subsequent deflating results in skin that is less elastic.
  • Avoid too much caffeine. Caffeine can be beneficial to your skin, but too much can prevent the uptake of vitamins and minerals from your food. Caffeine is a also a natural diuretic. A diuretic causes you to pass urine more frequently and as a result may cause dehydration. Your skin needs fluids to look good.
  • Good food can taste good try to make a meal but made with the food described above so you can eat healthy and enjoy your meal


  • For people suffering from arthritis, remember that tomatoes are part of the nightshade family and can exacerbate arthritic symptoms.

Things You'll Need

  • Foods described above
  • Journal if you'd like to track your nutritional progress

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Sources and Citations

  1. http://www.englishteastore.com/howisteagofo.html
  2. Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J Heiss, The Story of Tea, p. 353, (2007), ISBN 978-1-58008-745-2
  3. Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J Heiss, The Story of Tea, p. 353, (2007), ISBN 978-1-58008-745-2
  4. http://www.englishteastore.com/howisteagofo.html
  5. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 4, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  6. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 4, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  7. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 159, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59233-236-6
  8. http://www.howcast.com/videos/6025-How-To-Eat-Your-Way-To-Better-Skin
  9. Winnie Yu, What to eat for what ails you, p. 159, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59233-236-6
  10. http://www.drlera.com/health_beauty/nails/nails_problems.htm
  11. http://www.drlera.com/health_beauty/nails/nails_problems.htm
  12. http://www.howcast.com/videos/6025-How-To-Eat-Your-Way-To-Better-Skin
  13. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 629, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  14. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/126004-overview
  15. http://www.livestrong.com/article/152898-benefits-of-a-quercetin-bioflavonoid-complex/
  16. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 212, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  17. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 212, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  18. http://www.livestrong.com/article/152898-benefits-of-a-quercetin-bioflavonoid-complex/
  19. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 212, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  20. http://www.howcast.com/videos/6025-How-To-Eat-Your-Way-To-Better-Skin
  21. http://www.howcast.com/videos/6025-How-To-Eat-Your-Way-To-Better-Skin
  22. http://www.howcast.com/videos/6025-How-To-Eat-Your-Way-To-Better-Skin
  23. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 212, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  24. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 213, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  25. James Wong, Grow your own drugs, p.169, (2009) ISBN 978-1-60652-119-9
  26. James Wong, Grow your own drugs, p.166, (2009) ISBN 978-1-60652-119-9
  27. http://www.wikihow.com/Eat-More-Vitamin-C
  28. http://www.howcast.com/videos/6025-How-To-Eat-Your-Way-To-Better-Skin
  29. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 631, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  30. http://www.metabolictyping.com/
  31. Selene Yeager, The Doctors Book of Food Remedies, p. 4, (2007), ISBN 978-1-59486-753-8
  32. http://www.howcast.com/videos/6025-How-To-Eat-Your-Way-To-Better-Skin
  33. http://www.howcast.com/videos/6025-How-To-Eat-Your-Way-To-Better-Skin
  34. James Wong, Grow your own drugs, p.165, (2009) ISBN 978-1-60652-119-9
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Choose Foods That Help Maintain Your Beauty. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits

How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

We all realize that we have to eat to live, but too little of the right kinds of food can lead to poor health. Here are some tips to help develop more healthy eating habits:


  1. Schedule three meals a day into your routine. It's important to be nourished adequately throughout the day to prevent fatigue and to perform at an optimal level.
  2. Eat a healthy breakfast. Include grains and fruits. Try a high-fiber cereal with low fat milk and sliced bananas.
  3. Eating small frequent meals can be less taxing on your digestive system.
  4. Snack between meals to curb your appetite and provide a little energy. Try a piece of fruit or a few crackers with peanut butter.
  5. Do not let yourself become so hungry as to overeat at mealtime. Overeating burdens your digestive system.
  6. Drinking water or having a small bowl of soup before meals may keep you from overeating at your meal.
  7. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly to aid in your digestion. Take time to savor your food.
  8. Obtain protein from a less complicated source, such as nuts, legumes, grains and sprouts.
  9. Choose low fat dairy products, lean white meats or wild fish if animal products are desired.
  10. Combine vegetables and grains with a small amount of protein for a synergistic effect.
  11. Choose a variety of whole grain products to include millet, barley and buckwheat.
  12. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables that are deep in color, such as the dark orange of a carrot or the deep green of spinach. They contain more nutrients.
  13. Choose organic products to eliminate chemical exposure. Chemicals are harmful to overall health.
  14. Avoid processed food as it contains ingredients that have been changed from their natural state. These unnatural foods are difficult for your body to assimilate.
  15. Choose sea salt as it is equivalent in nature to the salt within your body. It is very cleansing. Refined salt causes fluid retention and increased blood pressure.
  16. Eliminate sugars or choose an unrefined sugar, such as turbinado or honey.
  17. Drink plenty of clean water to aid in flushing toxins and the waste products of natural cell metabolism.
  18. Gradually wean from large portions to achieve a healthy weight.
  19. Eat less in the evening if you are no longer exercising throughout the remainder of the day.
  20. Use moderation when developing new eating habits. The important thing is to develop a plan that you'll find easy to accomplish and easy to maintain.
  21. Keep a positive attitude focusing on long term results.
  22. Eat at least one nutritious meal per day with your family to encourage their good eating habits.



  • Research several different kinds of diets focusing on the health and longevity of other cultures.
  • If you are eating sensibly, but unable to maintain your health, see a physician for further testing.
  • A personal trainer can determine a more appropriate diet and exercise plan based upon your body type and future goals.
  • Take your time losing weight. Work to maintain your weight loss as well as your health.
  • A steady exercise program can speed weight loss, but be sure it is reasonable to maintain.
  • It may be healthier to be overweight than to have constant fluctuations in weight.
  • Treat yourself to an occasional descretion, such as a piece of chocolate.
  • Restaurants are known to carry refined salt and processed foods.
  • The FDA recommends 0-2 servings of meat per day.
  • Eat a gram of protein for every pound you weigh to maintain your weight.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Breast Lumps and Pain

Breast Lumps and Pain Overview

Breast changes are common. From the time a girl begins to develop breasts and begins menstruating and throughout life, women may experience various kinds of breast pain and other breast changes. Some of these changes normally occur during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, and with aging. Breast lumps, tenderness, and other changes may occur. Most breast lumps and other changes are not cancer.
Your breast is composed of several glands and ducts that lead to the nipple and the surrounding colored area called the areola. The milk-carrying ducts extend from the nipple into the underlying breast tissue like the spokes of a wheel. Under the areola are lactiferous ducts. These fill with milk during lactation after a woman has a baby. When a girl reaches puberty, changing levels of hormones cause the ducts to grow and cause fat deposits in the breast tissue to increase. The glands that produce milk (mammary glands) that are connected to the surface of the breast by the lactiferous ducts may extend to the armpit area (axilla).
There are no muscles in the breasts, but muscles lie under each breast and cover the ribs. These normal structures inside the breasts can sometimes make them feel lumpy. Such lumpiness may be especially noticeable in women who are thin or who have small breasts.
  • Lumps within breast tissue are usually found unexpectedly or during a routine monthly breast self-exam. Most lumps are not cancer but represent changes within the breast tissue. As your breasts develop, changes occur. These changes are influenced by normal hormonal variations.
  • Breast pain is a common breast problem mostly in younger women who are still having their periods, and happens less often in older women. Although pain is a concern, breast pain is rarely the only symptom of breast cancer. Most breast cancers involve a mass or lump.
  • Cyclic mastalgia: About two-thirds of women with breast pain have a problem called cyclic mastalgia. This pain typically is worse before your menstrual cycle and usually is relieved at the time your period begins. The pain may also happen in varying degrees throughout the cycle. Because of its relationship to the menstrual cycle, it is believed to be caused by hormonal changes. This type of breast pain usually happens in younger women, although the condition has been reported in postmenopausal women who take hormone replacement therapy.
  • Noncyclic mastalgia: Breast pain that is not associated with the menstrual cycle is called noncyclic mastalgia. It occurs less often than the cyclic form. It typically occurs in women older than 40 years and is not related to the menstrual cycle. It is sometimes linked to a fibrous mass (called a fibroadenoma) or a cyst.
  • Breast pain or tenderness may also occur in a teenage boy. The condition, called gynecomastia, is enlargement of the male breast which may occur as a normal part of development, often during puberty.
  • Breast infection: The breast is made up of hundreds of tiny milk-producing sacs called alveoli. They are arranged in grapelike clusters throughout the breast. Once breastfeeding begins, milk is produced in the alveoli and secreted into tube-shaped milk ducts that empty through the nipple. Mastitis is an infection of the tissue of the breast that occurs most frequently during the time of breastfeeding. This infection causes pain, swelling, redness, and increased temperature of the breast. It can occur when bacteria, often from the baby's mouth, enter a milk duct through a crack in the nipple. This causes an infection and painful inflammation of the breast.

Breast Pain

What is fibrocystic breast disease?

In Western countries, a large percentage of women experience benign but often painful cysts and lumps in their breasts. Their breasts feel lumpy, "ropy", or "granular", as if full of little nodules. Some women can even feel the presence of larger cysts.
These cysts occur when a breast duct becomes blocked, and then fills up with fluid like a balloon filled with water. The area surrounding the blocked duct then has a tendency to form scar tissue, and that is the fibrous component of the fibrocystic disease.
This generalized breast lumpiness is known by several names, including fibrocystic breast condition, fibrous breasts, fibrocystic breast disease, fibrocystic changes and benign breast disease. There even exist several types of fibrocystic breast condition.
Unfortunately, many women and even doctors think that fibrocystic breast disease is a "normal" condition for women. However, large, palpable cysts have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, not to mention the pain the women experience, so women need to be concerned about pain and cysts in their breasts and not let it go on thinking it is "normal".

An easy experiment to reduce pain: take your bra off!

Fortunately there is an easy solution that works for many women in reducing breast pain and fibrocystic lumps: many women have found that by wearing undergarments less restrictive than bras (camisoles, tank tops, etc.) they can dramatically reduce or eliminate fibrocystic cysts and pain.  Medical anthropologists Sydney Singer and Soma Grismaijer, and also Dr. Gregory Heigh, have found that around 90% of fibrocystic patients improve when they quit wearing bras. Singer and Grismajer are authors of a study of over 4000 women that found that women who do not wear bras have a much lower risk of breast cancer ("Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras" Avery Press, 1995).
In this link you can read some case histories of how women who got help from fibrocystic cysts and pain by taking off their bra.


There exist studies that link low iodine levels to fibrocystic breast disease. There is evidence that the low breast cancer rates in Japan are due to their high iodine intake (form seafood). It is not only our thyroid that needs and has iodine; our breasts have some too (or are supposed to). Increasing your iodine intake is definitely something worthwhile as it can help breast pain and fibrocystic breast changes.

What about diet?

Besides making sure you have enough iodine in your diet, you can also consider eating a high-fiber diet that emphasizes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Omega-3 fats and vitamin E can also be helpful.
One study studied a high dose vitamin A in women who did not get help for their breast pain from eliminating caffeine, and 80% of them had a dramatic reduction in the pain level. It is safer to get vitamin A from consuming betacarotene, since high doses of vitamin A can be toxic. Vegetables that are bright red, orange, yellow, or dark green contain high amounts of betacarotene.

The British study bra-freedom as a treatment

In year 2000, two breast surgeons started a study including 100 women at two breast clinics (all of whom had breast pain) and found that over half of the premenopausal women with pain found relief when they quit wearing bras for three months. For some the pain relief was very dramatic, changing their lifes. When they resumed bra wearing for the last three months of the study, the pain returned. Besides the pain data, the doctors also showed video thermography footage that dramatically demonstrated the heat build-up from bra wearing, and they discussed the possible connections with cancer causation.
They also made a documentary film that was shown on nationwide television in Britain.  You can read a partial trascript of the documentary concerning bra wearing and breast pain.

Natural progesterone treatment

Doctor John Lee has treated many patients with fibrocystic breasts with natural progesterone. He argues that the cause for the pain and cysts and lumps is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone - either too much estrogen or too little progesterone, or both - and that environmental estrogens cause this, or at least make the situation worse.
This condition is called estrogen dominance. It may be worth your while to try natural progesterone therapy alongside with avoiding foreign estrogen-like chemicals to treat breast pain and fibrocystic breasts.

Breastfeeding lowers risk

And, if you can, breastfeed! One study found that lack of breastfeeding was a risk factor for having post-menopausal breast pain and fibrocystic changes. Breastfeeding definitely lowers the risk of breast cancer: it reduces the time your body is exposed to high estrogen levels as occur during the mestrual cycle (and probably through some other mechanisms as well).

Monday, August 22, 2011

Eliminate Belly Fat

Eliminate Belly Fat

The dangers of belly fat are reason enough to have a flat stomach.

The average American is carrying around about 30 billion fat cells. Abdominal fat bears the blame for many health problems because it resides within striking distance of your heart, liver, and other organs--pressing on them, feeding them poisons, and messing with their daily function.
A Canadian study of more than 8,000 people found that over 13 years, the people with the weakest abdominal muscles had a death rate more than twice as high as those with the strongest midsections. Such research upholds the notion that flat stomachs do more than turn heads at the beach. In fact, your abdominal muscles control more of your body than you may even realize--and have just as much substance as show.
A defined midsection, in many ways, has defined fitness. But it also defines something else: A flat stomach is the hallmark of people in control of their bodies and, as such, in control of their health.


Best Cereals For a Healthy Morning

Healthy breakfasts that nix the sugar and trans fats

Kool-Aid and pop-tarts get dumped with high school sweethearts, but cereal somehow survives. A 2005 ABC poll found it's what 31 percent of breakfast eaters devour. And bowlfuls of whole grains, nuts, and fiber can reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Our experts singled out some breakfast bad boys clogging up the aisle (and, thanks to hidden fats, your arteries), then suggested some real breakfast champs to replace them. For a complete guide to packaged foods, check out WH's 125 Best Supermarket Foods.

If you like General Mills Basic 4
A little healthy fat from nuts or seeds is good, says Kristine Clark, Ph.D.,R.D., director of sports nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. It slows digestion and keeps you full longer. But Basic 4's partially hydrogenated oil (aka trans fat) increases your risk of cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

Switch to Kashi Heart to Heart Oat Flakes and Wild Blueberry Clusters
Dried blueberries, puffed rice, and honey make this healthy cereal light, crunchy, and plenty sweet. No trans fat here and just 0.5gram of saturated fat per generous 1 1/4-cup serving.

If you like Kellogg's Raisin Bran
A handful of raisins and whole wheat sounds healthy, right? It would be, says New York City nutritionist Joy Bauer,R.D., if it weren't for high-fructose corn syrup, which jacks the sugar content up to 19 grams, landing Raisin Bran alongside Lucky Charms. And its whopping 350 milligrams of sodium don't help.

Switch to Whole Foods Market 365 Everyday Value Raisin Bran
"[It has] less calories, sugar, and sodium, but the healthy protein remains," Bauer says. "And there's no extra bad stuff." 365 puts Kellogg's sugar surplus to shame with just 8 grams per 3/4-cup serving and a hefty 6 grams of fiber.

If you like Post Fruity Pebbles
Been eating it since the Stone Age? With hydrogenated oils — highly saturated fats that contribute to clogged arteries — and artificial ingredients, "this cereal might be harmful in the long run," says Barbara Olendzki, R.D., a University of Massachusetts nutritionist. "Even the fiber's fake," she says of the polydextrose, which is mostly sugar and only keeps the pebbles from crumbling. Yabba dabba yuck.

Switch to Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats
The whole-grain side fills your tank while the frosted side satisfies your sweet tooth. "This appears higher in calories than other cereals," Clark says. But it's really just a bigger bowl: Each 200 calorie, 24-biscuit serving also provides a quarter of your fiber RDA and 6 grams of hunger-fighting protein.

If you like General Mills Honey Nut Clusters
"Your digestive enzymes don't have to spend a lot of time breaking this lightweight cereal down, so you'll end up hungrier sooner," Olendzki says. Add that to its absurd 17 grams of sugar and 47grams of carbohydrates for only 3 grams of fiber a cup and all you've got is a quick fix.

Switch to Health Valley Real Oat Bran Almond Crunch
Just a half cup of this crispy heavyweight packs 5 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein to supercharge your engine. Natural vanilla, amaretto, and barley malt provide sweetness and keep the glycemic index low, Olendzki says. So you'll digest it slowly, preventing the kind of hunger-inducing insulin rush that a bowl of Clusters can cause.

Nutritional Information: the Ultimate D-fense

Used to be, a little milk gave you all the vitamin D you needed. Now you'd have to chug a lot of it to get the daily dose suggested by the Institute of Medicine. But many docs say the new guidelines, which rose from 200 international units (IU) to 600 IU, still fall short. "It's a step in the right direction," says Michael F. Holick, Ph.D., M.D., director of the Vitamin D, Skin, and Bone Research Laboratory at the Boston University School of Medicine. "But essentially every tissue in your body needs vitamin D; 600 IU is just too low." The nutrient affects some 2,000 genes and could amp up your immunity to fight off everything from depression to cancer. Plus, many women are D-deficient, says Sarfraz Zaidi, M.D., author of The Power of Vitamin D. Based on new research, you should get 1,000 to 2,000 IU a day. WH waded through the science to find out how taking enough of the so-called super vitamin may help cut your disease risk.

More from Women's Health: http://www.everydayhealth1.com/

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mediterranean Veggie Burgers

Mediterranean Veggie Burgers

These are a delicious, healthy substitute for traditional hamburgers and a fabulous alternative to the usual store bought frozen veggie burgers. They grill up nicely and freeze well, so you can easily make up a batch in advance an
These are a delicious, healthy substitute for traditional hamburgers and a fabulous alternative to the usual store bought frozen veggie burgers. They grill up nicely and freeze well, so you can easily make up a batch in advance and bring to a cookout for a veggie alternative.
Did you know: Quinoa is often mistaken for a grain, but it’s actually a seed. It’s a staple in South American countries and is the only “grain” that is a complete protein, making it perfect for a vegetarian diet.

Ingredients: CLICK HERE

Cook rigatoni in large pot of boiling salted water 19 minute until very soft. Drain, measure out 1 1/2 cups very tightly packed rigatoni, and set aside.
Bring quinoa and broth to a boil in saucepan. Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook 13 minutes, or until slightly undercooked; some of the white germ will have opened, but much of the quinoa will still have a slight bite. Drain, and set aside.
Heat oil in small saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, and cook 1 minute. Add garlic, and cook 1 minute more. Set aside.
Process rigatoni and white beans in food processor 1 minute, or until smooth and paste-like (it’s OK if there are a few small bits of pasta still intact). Transfer mixture to large bowl. Stir in 3/4 cup quinoa, broccoli, cabbage, bell pepper, tomato sauce, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, and onion-garlic mixture.
Season with salt and pepper, if desired. Mash to combine. Form 6 1/2-cup-sized patties. Brush tops of each patty with canola oil.
Heat grill to high heat. Brush grill topper with canola oil. Place each patty oiled-side down on grill topper. Set grill topper on grill, close grill cover, and cook 6 to 7 minutes. Brush each patty again with oil, and carefully flip. Close grill, and grill 3 to 4 minutes more. Serve with your favorite burger toppings.
(makes 6 servings)

Health Recipes Archives

Balsamic Glazed Salmon with Cracked Pepper

Serve this delicious mouthwatering salmon with brown rice or rice pilaf an a green vegetable such as broccoli or spinach for a nutritionally balanced and delicious meal. Salmon, which is known for being high in heart healthy omeg
Serve this delicious mouthwatering salmon with brown rice or rice pilaf an a green vegetable such as broccoli or spinach for a nutritionally balanced and delicious meal. Salmon, which is known for being high in heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids, is also extremely high in B vitamins, especially B12 which maintains a healthy nervous system as well as helps form red blood cells.
Did you know: High quality balsamic vinegar is aged for years in wooden barrels, and can be quite expensive. To get the most flavor out of an inexpensive balsamic vinegar, put it in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer down to about half, or until it becomes a thick syrupy liquid. The flavor becomes concentrated and much more flavorful. You can use this anywhere you would use balsamic vinegar.
Directions: CLICK HERE
Heat a large heavy skillet over medium high heat. Add butter or oil and swirl until hot and coats the pan. Season both sides of salmon filets with salt and cracked black pepper. Add salmon filets to the skillet and cook 1 to 2 minutes per side, until golden brown. If you try to lift up your fish and it sticks, continue cooking until it lifts up effortlessly.
Meanwhile, in small bowl, whisk together the honey and the balsamic vinegar until thoroughly combined. Add the vinegar mixture to the skillet with your fish and continue to cook until fish is fork tender and the liquid reduces and thickens, maybe 2 more minutes. For a thicker, more flavorful sauce, continue simmering for 3 to 5 more minutes until desired consistency, but take your fish out of the pan to avoid overcooking while doing so. Let the salmon filets rest for 5 minutes as they continue cooking even after removing from pan. Serve immediately.
(makes 4 servings)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Acai Berry Diet Exposed: Miracle Diet!

Michelle Hadson investigates the Power Slim diet to find out for herself if this Acai Berry pill works.

Acai berries are the latest weight loss fad. These so called Super Foods that you take as a supplement to lose weight have been getting a lot of international attention. And like you have probably already seen, they are all over the internet in blogs with success stories of people who have apparently used the pills and lost a ton of weight. But we here at News 3 are a little skeptical and aren't sure that we've seen any real proof that these pills work for weight loss. So we decided to put these products to the test. What better way to find out the truth than to conduct our own study?

To get started, I volunteered to be the guinea pig. I applied for a bottle of the Power Slim. While there are tons of Acai Berry ads online, Power Slim is one of the most credible and trustworthy suppliers in the industry. Another reason why I chose Power Slim is because it is the most concentrated and purest acai product on the market. This would give me the most accurate results for my test.

Here is what Power Slim claims on their website...

• Flush out excess pounds while burning fat
• Break up and remove harmful toxins
• Gain more energy and fight fatigue
• 100% satisfaction guarantee

We were pretty skeptical, but wanted to find out for ourselves if this product could actually do everything that it claims.

Putting Power Slim to the Test

The bottle I received held a month's worth of pills which worked out perfect as I was to follow the supplement routine for 4 weeks and document my progress throughout.

My Test 4 Week Acai Berry Diet: Power Slim

• Take one Power Slim pill per day

My Results

Week One

After one week on the diet using Power Slim I was surprised at the dramatic results. My energy level was up, and I wasn't even hungry, an apparent side effect of the Acai Berry which curbs the appetite.

I honestly felt fantastic.

And I didn't even change anything about my daily routine. On day 7 I got on the scale and couldn't believe my eyes. I had lost 9 lbs. But I still wasn't convinced as they say you lose a lot of water at the beginning of any diet. I wanted to wait and see the results in the upcoming weeks. But it sure was looking up! I now weighed under 140 lbs for the first time in years!


Week Two

After two weeks of using Power Slim, I started the week off with even more energy and was actually sleeping more soundly than before. I was no longer waking up during the night and tossing and turning because my body was actually able to relax (this is a result of getting rid of the toxins I think). Plus I still managed to lose another 7 lbs, putting me at an unbelievable 16 lbs of weight loss in just 2 weeks.

I must admit that I'm starting to believe that this diet is more than just a gimmick.


Week Three

After 3 weeks all my doubts and skepticism had absolutely vanished! I am down 2 full dress sizes after losing another 6 lbs. And I still have a ton of energy. Quite often, around the third week of other diets, you tend to run out of steam. But with the Power Slim diet my energy levels don't dip, but remain steady throughout the day. I no longer need that cat nap around 3pm in the afternoon! And I am even noticing that my stomach is digesting food so much better. No bloating or embarrassing gas after I eat!


Week Four

After the fourth week, my final results were shocking. I lost an unbelievable 25 lbs since starting the Power Slim diet! Actually everyone at News 3 is kicking themselves for not having volunteered to be the guinea pig. Using Power Slim in week 4 I lost 3 more lbs. But to be honest I really didn't have much more than that left to lose. And I am definitely going to continue taking Power Slim afterwards because it has so many antioxidants and vitamins that makes my skin look unbelievable.

I couldn't be any happier with the results. I Lost 25 lbs in 4 Weeks.
No Special Diet, No Intense Exercise

Conclusion Like us, here at News 3, you might be a little doubtful about the effects of this diet, but you need to try it for yourself; the results are real. After conducting our own personal study we are pleased to see that people really are finding success with it (myself included :) ). And you have nothing to lose. Follow the links I have provided and know that you are getting a quality product that works; no strings attached!

Homepage : CLICK HERE
Healthpage: CLICK HERE

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hypercet Blood Pressure Formula

Hypercet Blood Pressure Formula

High blood pressure is a disease that often leads to heart attack and the only way to manage it is through proper diet, exercise, medications, or combination of all the above. Your choice of medication can either be prescription pharmaceuticals or herbal blood pressure supplements such as Hypercet blood pressure formula.

=> Click Here to Get Your FREE Bottle of the All Natural Hypercet Blood Pressure Formula, or continue reading to learn more about Hypercet and other similar natural remedies:

There are different blood pressure supplements available in the market today and all of them promises that your soaring blood pressure would be reduced. Blood pressure refers to the amount of blood that your heart pumps. Blood pressure is affected by several factors such as the volume of water and salt content of the human body, kidney condition, hormones, nervous system and how blocked or damaged the blood vessels are.

There many known pharmaceutical blood pressure medications available in the market today. Most of them are approved by the food and drug administration (FDA.) Some are very effective in reducing your blood pressure, others are just average. But the big question is, are they safe for you?

For centuries humans depend on natural herbs, leaves and medicinal plants to cure all sorts of illnesses. Today, the use of these natural substance are even more pronounced, particularly for one reason, and one reason only; safety. And that is why herbal high blood pressure supplements are preferred by most doctors.

Hypercet Blood Pressure formula is one of the few blood pressure supplements that can help you in maintaining a normal blood pressure by providing support to the systemic balance of your cardiovascular system. It helps in regulating your blood flow and it is a reliable support for the maintenance of a healthy circulation and coronary.

=> Click Here to Visit Hypercet Blood Pressure formula Official Website:

Majority of high blood pressure supplements are formulated to give the nutrients needed by the body to maintain a normal blood pressure. Hypercet Blood Pressure formula is one of those supplements for blood pressure that is made up of five vital elements needed to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range.

This blood pressure supplement has the following contents:

• Calcium:
Calcium is a protector of your heart. If calcium supply is enough, it can help muscles especially the heart muscles to do their work normally which are to contract and to relax. Calcium also aids the nervous system in regulating the pressure level of arteries.

• Magnesium:
Magnesium is believed to play an essential role to make the blood vessels relaxed which is an effective way to lower your blood pressure. If your blood vessels are constricted instead of being relaxed, the heart has to work harder so that it can pump blood to the body system.

• Malic Acid:
The usual source of malic acid is grapes and tart apples. Malic acid is essential to the Krebs cycle which is a series of reactions from chemicals that increases the level of ATP in the body. ATP is an enzyme which supports the good health of muscles by reducing muscle stress.

• Citric Acid:
Once citric acid enters our system, it is converted into alkali. It is also plays an important role to the Krebs cycle. By working with malic acid, carbon dioxide is produced and removed from body cells.

• Glycine:
Glycine plays an essential role in manufacturing nitrogen into amino acids and it is also helpful in the healthy processing of hemoglobin, DNA, RNA and glutathione.

==>>High Blood Pressure Supplements:

If you are looking for a way to bring back your normal blood pressure, you should be aware of all the available ways to cure it. A natural way to lower blood pressure is to use a blood pressure supplements like hypercet blood pressure formula which is safe to use, effective, and recommended by many physicians as the best natural alternative to all other pharmaceutical hypertension medications.
Healthpage: CLICK HERE

Venapro Hemorrhoid Formula

The Venapro Hemorrhoid Formula, also popularly known as the Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment is the ONLY effective ‘External Hemorrhoids Treatment’ available on the market to-day without a doctor’s prescription. It has proven to be the most successful treatment for the ‘Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid’ that plagues the lives of millions of hemorrhoid sufferers.

Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment is a long-term, non-surgical approach to the permanent cure of internal and external hemorrhoids.

Get fast and effective relief through this anti-inflammatory formula. The herbal extracts that make up the Venapro Hemorrhoid Formula work quite speedily to relieve all pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids by improving venous circulation.

Restore serenity and ease to your life with the most trusted and powerful, long lasting Venapro Colon Health supplement. Venapro has also been used as a prophylactic measure for hemorrhoids when an episode is eminent.

The Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment is a proven effective therapy for hemorrhoids which a history of speeding up recovery..

An Homeopathic formulation of all-natural herbs and minerals, the Venapro Hemorrhoid Formula is an highly effective therapeutic hemorrhoids remedy consisting of two orally administered "medicines" in spray and in capsule form.

The spray that comes in the Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment, when applied under the tongue, causes the homeopathic ingredients to be introduced into the blood stream to bring about immediate relief from the burning, itching and hemorrhoid pain. Lasting relief is normally experienced as quickly as 24 to 48 hours of usage of the spray.

In addition, the all-natural supplement that is part of the Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment, and shipped in capsule form, is taken for better and more regular bowel functions and improved colon health. Constipation, a major cause of hemorrhoid flare ups, is significantly reduced, which, with the passage of time, rids the sufferer of the hemorrhoid problem on a permanent basis.

Listed below are the Ingredients of the Venapro Hemorrhoid Formula which will give you a better understanding of how this system works. But first let us look at the symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

The symptoms of hemorrhoids, among other things are mainly:

Hemorrhoids should be treated immediately symptoms of the same are presented. Treat them irrespective of their size or condition. Since pain really depends on the size and severity, do not postpone treatment till actual pain or bleeding forces you.

It is of critical importance to understand that continued constipation is a major cause of hemorrhoids, and if it exists, it must be addressed with all urgency, using the many natural remedies for constipation that are available and that is best suited to the individual person.

Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment is an all-natural Homeopathic Cure For Hemorrhoids.

Twin Pack, containing the homeopathic formula and a natural supplement for overall colon health..

Through the Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment, you can:
• Get rid of itching.
• Say goodbye to pain.
• Stop the bleeding.
• Reduce the swelling.

The Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment’s twin solution, is first to banish your hemorrhoid misery, and second to establish and promote colon health through soft, smooth bowel movements.

Venapro Ingredients.
Ingredients in Venapro Homeopathic Hemorrhoid Formula
Ingredients in a homeopathic medicine are carefully selected on the basis of symptoms. Perhaps not all the symptoms will apply to you. Each person is different. Please click here to be taken to the ‘Ingredients Page‘ of the manufacturer.

Go to Venapro Hemorrhoid Formula’s How It Works page, for more information on homeopathic medicine and a deeper understanding of Homeopathic Medicine’s "like-cures-like" way of treatment.

Venapro Natural Supplement Contains

The Supplement should be used as a dietary supplement for adults. Recommended dosage is one capsule to be taken twice daily with plenty of water, or as directed by a physician.

Caution: Please note that IF you are pregnant, a nursing mother or are currently taking any medication what so ever, you must consult with a physician prior to the use of the VenaproHemorrhoid Formula Supplement. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Storage: Store in a cool dry place below 30′C (86′F), and out of reach of children.

Also contains other ingredients Such as:
• Gelatin,
• Purified Water and
• Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.

The Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment Works Fast.

If all or any of the above information, is a general description of your condition, then the Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment is the right choice for you. Venapro is formulated to take care of hemorrhoid pain and discomfort. Buy Venapro Hemorrhoid Formula now. There is no need for you to be miserable any more! The Venapro Homeopathic Hemorrhoid Formula Works FAST.
Homepage: CLICK HERE
Healthpage: CLICK HERE

Friday, July 22, 2011

Revitol dermasis

Revitol dermasis Reviews: Does it Work?

Quick Facts

Site: http://healthshop1.com

Type: Homeopathic home remedy

Medication Mode: Oral

Side effects: None.

Discount: Buy Four bottles and get Two free.

Revitol dermasis psoriasis cream has garnered widespread attention from individuals affected by psoriasis. The fact that Revitol is a renowned brand in the market, effective dermasis psoriasis treatment seems to be within the realm of possibility for all psoriasis victims. Today, Revitol offers a wide range of solutions that caters to common beauty concerns faced by mankind.

Revitol dermasis: The difference maker?

Revitol dermasis cream is a completely natural solution that can help you deal with psoriasis. Regular use of Revitol dermasis eradicates the itching sensation and pain accompanied with the condition. The dead skins are also eradicated with the aid of Revitol dermasis cream.

How does Revitol dermasis psoriasis cream work?

Revitol dermasis is loaded with all natural FDA approved ingredients that are easily absorbed by our skin for greater benefits. The ingredients that work wonders over here are Palm oil, Malaleuca Alternifolia and Vitamin Acetate. These ingredients play a great role in soothing and moisturizing the skin.

Specialty of Revitol dermasis cream

Unlike other creams, Revitol dermasis is compatible with all types of skin. The product contains a host of vital ingredients such as Xantham Gum, Water, Prolatum Oil and Behengyl Alcohols. The best part is that you will encounter heaps of positive customer reviews on reputable blogs and websites about dermasis cream.

How to use?

Sufferers are advised to apply the lotion on the affected body parts few times in a day. Increased usage is recommended only upon the physician’s consent.

How soon can I expect results?

Based on the reviews and information obtained from past users, it’s clear that Revitol dermasis cream does not offer overnight results with the cure of psoriasis. As such, the results vary based on the severity of the condition. Mild to moderate sufferers experience faster relief in comparison to those individuals who are severely infected. You will have to be really patient as it might take about three to five months for complete recovery. Although the product is very effective, it’s not a quick fix solution, especially for severely affected individuals.

Where to buy Dermasis cream?

Your best bet would be to lay your hands on this cream from the official website itself. The product comes with a 90 day money back guarantee. The money back policy will allow you to rest your apprehensions on scam thoughts. Also, there is no need to feel dejected, if the product is not available in stores near your locality because online deal works great these days, Remember, every review is subjective in one way or the other. You will have to actually try out the product to experience its effectiveness!

Official Site: Revitol dermasis

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Idol Tan

Idol Tan - Sunless Tanner & Self Tanning Gel

While most self-tanners and sunless tanning products leave an unattractive "orange" finish, Idol Tan provides a natural bronze color that's easy to apply without the messy greasy residue. Just apply, get dressed and in several hours get ready to show off your new healthy sun kissed, celebrity tan to the world.

Don't wait another day to get the tan skin tone you've always wanted. Idol Tan can give you that natural bronze color in a matter of days no matter what your skin type, along with many other great benefits.

While there are various ways to artificially achieve a good-looking tan on your body, Idol Tan does it in a way that minimizes the risk to you and your health, giving you the most you can get out of the tanning procedure.

Idol Tan comes in the form of a lotion. It’s applied directly to the skin, and takes very short to dry up – after which you’re ready to show off your new bronze tan! The gel spreads easily and has a very smooth consistency which works to avoid both streaking and patchy areas. The tan itself looks really, really good – we can’t emphasize this point enough, actually. It doesn’t look fake at all, which is a common problem for artificial tanning sprays and lotions, and because it achieves a smooth and even shading, it will be practically indistinguishable from an actual tan! You won’t even have to do a “test” application to see how it works before proceeding to use it – you’re likely to get it right on your first try.

Once the gel has been applied the fake tan will last about five days before fading begins and it will then need topping up. The product will give you an even, dark bronze colour that looks natural.

A view is widely held that the gentle nature as well as the epidermis nourishing properties of Idol Tan self tanning gel is one of the products great strengths.

Skin Tanning In The Media

MSNBC: For years, a popular approach to getting a great tan went something like this: slather on some baby oil, then bake. Today, of course, we know better. To get a safe tan, there’s really just one choice - sunless tanning.

ABC News: More than 1.3 million new cases of skin cancer were diagnosed in the United States last year so staying safe in the sun is more important than ever. Lucy Danziger joined "Good Morning America" to talk about how to get a safe suntan from a bottle.

Professional Beauty: Sunless tanning products are becoming increasingly popular as more people become aware of the harmful effects tanning outdoors, and want to maintain a healthy look without the time input or health risk.

Healthpage CLICK HERE


"No Matter what I do - tanning beds, laying by the pool - nothing ever gets me tan. I'm so glad I discovered Idol Tan."
Jenny, CA

"Most tanning products I've used ended up turning my skin orange or just looking fake. With Idol Tan, I finally found a product that gave me natural color all year round."
Ben, NY

"I always felt self-concious about how pale I am, even in the summer I'd look like a ghost. Now, I have a product that gives me just the right amount of color to feel confident. Thanks Idol Tan!"
Shannon, FL

Idol Tan Ingredients

The self tanner is water based which is a great advantage because it will dry quickly following application. This also means that it reduces the chances of staining both on clothes and on bedding.

The Tanning process is fairly gradual and gentle and will start to work after a few hours of application. As Idol Tan self tanning gel only uses natural ingredients and has moisturising capabilities it will leave your skin both nourished and moisturised and certainly not dry like some fake tanners on the market.

As a final note, because Idol Tan self tanning gel is alcohol free, it means the product has a shelf life that is longer than some self tanners. Furthermore the product does not suffer from the nasty DHA aroma of other fake tanning products. Instead it has a subtle, rather neutral aroma that means it can be comfortably used by both men and women alike.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ever Day Health: Muscle Advance Protein-Whey Protein

Ever Day Health: Muscle Advance Protein-Whey Protein: "Muscle Advance Protein-Whey Protein Everyone from professional athletes to body builders to mixed martial arts enthusiasts know the import..."

Muscle Advance Protein-Whey Protein

Muscle Advance Protein-Whey Protein

Everyone from professional athletes to body builders to mixed martial arts enthusiasts know the importance of incorporating whey protein into their workout routine. It's not enough to just train hard to build muscles, you need to feed your muscles top-quality protein in order to build bulk and get ripped. With Muscle Advance Whey Protein, you'll get the highest quality protein available!

Most companies charge up to $100 for 6 lbs of pure whey protein isolate from ... that's about a month's supply. But what would you have to add to that to match our unique Muscle Advance formula? We use 100% Ion-Exchanged Whey Protein Isolate in our low-carb formula because it has the highest biological profile of any protein powder on the market. We've also added multivatins and digestive enzymes along with other great nutrients that are important for bodybuilders, dieters and just about everybody!

Stop pumping iron and stacking supplements to get the full benefit of your workout. When you add Muscle Advance Whey Protein to your workout regimen, you'll get a complete formula that helps you build lean muscle and get the most out of your workout.

Professional athletes, members of the military and law enforcement, body builders, crossfit and martial arts enthusiasts anyone who trains hard to stay lean and strong can benefit from incorporating Muscle Advance Whey Protein Low Carb Formula into their diet and muscle routine for promote healthy muscle growth.

We use 100% Ion-Exchanged Whey Protein Isolate in our low-carb formula because it has the highest biological profile of any protein powder on the market, which is very important for bodybuilders, dieters just about everybody!

When you exercise, it's important not to let your protein levels become depleted...

So whether you're cutting or maintaining, use Muscle Advance Whey Protein Low Carb Formula to help keep your muscle mass at peak performance. This can formula is perfect for post workout or upon waking.

* Easy to mix with a shaker or a spoon for convenience on the go * Chocolate and Vanilla flavors taste great either as a shake or in high-protein recipes * Aspartame Free * Low glycemic index for healthy blood sugar levels * Includes BCAA's and other natural ingredients to help promote healthy, lean muscle mass as part of your muscle building routine.

Bodybuilders, you won't have to "stack" supplements; Muscle Advance protein has it all!

We've punched up our protein formula to give you the Most Bang for your Buck...

* Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's): Taken up directly by the skeletal muscles to repair and rebuild lean muscle tissue essential right after a workout or competitive event * Multivitamin Complex: A power-packed set, including Vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, D and E, along with Calcium, Biotin, Niacin and other vitamins needed for muscle support * Digestive Enzyme Complex: An assortment of enzymes formulated to help your bodies digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates * Bovine Colostrum: Rich in immunoglobulins and cytokines, bovine colostrum is thought to support the immune system, but also helps improve athletic performance by increasing serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I)

Everything your body needs for ultimate health so you can TRAIN HARD WITH CONFIDENCE!

Suggested Use:

For a rich, thick shake, mix 2 scoopfuls (60g) with 10 fluid ounces of water in a shaker or blender. If a shaker or a blender is not convenient, Low Carb Formula Whey Protein can be stirred into solution with a spoon.

For a delicious low glycemic alternative, try blending 1 or 2 scoops of Low Carb Formula Whey Protein in 4-6 oz. of nonfat milk (adding 8 grams of whole milk proteins to your daily diet) and 1/2 cup of your favorite unsweetened berries after your workout..

Health page CLICK HERE